FIRST ISSUE PERFORATED (singles & multiples)
R1c VF 3.00 R1c F-VF horiz pair 4.00 R1c XF 5.00 R1c F-VF printing variety at right 15.00 R1c pl 1 D 100.00 R2c
F, L.C.& Co./MAY/1864 printed cxl. 100.00 R2c F S H & Co (Samual Hart) Dec 1863 printed cxl 250.00 R3c VF with Cristiana (Perfume Co.) hstp 15.00 R3c F-VF 2 stamps make up VF complete hstp cxl of Commission
Merchants 25.00 R3c F printed cxl, H. Hutchins 30.00 R3c F William A Clark (matches)/July/1867 printed cancel 35.00 R3c F with VF strike of negative N & Co hstp 40.00 R3c F William A Clark (matches)/Oct/1864 printed cancel 45.00 R3c AVF-F inverted Van Dyke Bitters cxl 45.00 R3c F Cyrus Brown printed cxl 50.00 R3c F with EYE ME CO. hstp (likely
part of a cancel that covered several stamps) 60.00 R3c F-VF William A Clark (matches)/Jan/1866 printed cancel 60.00 R3c F J.R.D.(matches)/Oct 1864 printed cancel 65.00 R3c F-VF Dr.Fleschhutt Medicine Co. hstp. 65.00 R3c
F Nathan Fenn's/Matches printed cancel, 85.00 R3c Brown & Durling (matches)/1889 printed cxl 100.00 R3c
F-VF horiz pair with perfectly struck Dr. Fleschhut Medicine Co. handstamp cxls 100.00 R3c F Newbauer &
Co (matches)/Feb 14 1867 printed cancel 100.00 R3c VF James Eaton (matches)/Jan 1865 type 1 printed cancel
inverted 150.00 R3c Joseph Hoyt & Co Cosmetic Hair Preparation, New York hstp 150.00 R3c F-VF H.H. &
Co printed cxl 150.00 R3c F Newton (matches) printed cancel 150.00 R3c VF H. & M. Bentz Sept 1864 printed cancel ex-Joyce, rare cancel 350.00 R3c with exceptionally clear strike of black boxed Benton's Pine Tree Tar TROCHES
hstp., perfs trimmed at bottom as often 350.00 R4c G & W straightline cxl 25.00 R4c
VF-XF 25.00 R4c F perfectly struck Condit & Hanson 1864 hstp. 35.00 R4c VF (*) 40.00 R4c XF black hstp 40.00 R4c VF perfectly struck M.T.& Co. (Moses Taylor) handstamp 50.00 R5c VF European style cancel 8.00 R5c F
with XF s-o-n hstp cxl 12.50 R5c F-VF straightline Boston hspt 15.00 R5c F-VF Boston straightline hstp 15.00 R5c VF European style cancel 20.00 R5c VF striking pre-print paper fold 40.00 R5c rejoined vert pair with large
pre-print paper folds 125.00 R5c American Card Co (NYC) July 1864 printed cancel 400.00 R6c VF (*) 1.00 R6c VF Ins Co hstp 5.00 R6c F-VF photographer hstp 10.00 R6c Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnatti RR hstp 10.00 R6c F-VF Novelty Rubber Co hstp F-VF strike 12.50 R6c VF European style cancel 15.00 R6c bottom imprint 15.00 R6c Detroit & St Clair Rivers Towing Assoc hstp cxl 30.00 R6c F dbl transfer in bottom label 40.00 R6c VF
strong pre-print paper fold 45.00 R6c VF major double transfer in bottom label shows clearly (T5) 375.00 R7c
VF 55.00 R8c XF jumbo margins, trivial corner crease 50.00 R8c VF 65.00 R8c VF with 1863 hstp. 75.00 R8c F-VF with 1863 E.R.& S. straightline steel die hstp. (looks printed) 75.00 R8c XF 75.00 R8c F with major
double transfer at bottom, shows clearly as cancel is above the DT 650.00 R9c XF 3.00 R9c VF with perfectly
struck bank hstp. 15.00 R9c grossly misperforated 30.00 R10c VF 12.50 R10c VF (*) 20.00 R10c F-VF two
pre-print paper folds 40.00 R10c large pre-print paper fold 75.00 R11c VF-XF 6.00 R11c VF (*) 7.50 R11c
VF with perfectly struck 1864 hstp. 15.00 R11c VF horiz pair, photog cxls, horiz tear 35.00 R11c F pre-print paper
fold 50.00 R12c VF 95.00 R13c VF photographer's cxl 15.00 R13c Newbauer & Co(matches)/Nov 15, 1866 printed cancel 85.00 R13c F Walker & Taylor 10 line classic printed medicine advertising cancel 100.00 R13c C.B./April 1865 printed cancel (Charles Bartlet was a subsidiary of Samual Hart & Co, NYC and Phila
playing card manufacturer) 200.00 R13c Hamlin Bros, Chicago Ills, makers of Wizard Oil, scarce printed cxl
450.00 R13e F-VF deep ultra shade with 1869 ms cancel, small crease at top 250.00 R14c F-VF 35.00 R14c
VF 70.00 R14c F A. Bogardus photographer hstp 50.00 R14c F fancy Gard hstp cancel 60.00 R14c F-VF Doughty Bros
photographer hstp 65.00 R14c F+ Whitney & Beckwith photographer hstp 65.00 R14c F Gurney's Proof Card (photographer
hstp) 75.00 R15c F-VF Washburn & Moen Mfg Co hstp F-VF strike 10.00 R15c F Lehigh Coal & Navig. Co
(RR) 10.00 R15c VF Music Store Wholesle/Retail, Rochester NY, VF strike 15.00 R15c F-VF Putnum Machine Co
red hstp VF strike 15.00 R15c F-VF A.T.Shallenberger & Co hstp 35.00 R`5c pl #299 125.00 R15f F-VF
right stamp is a bisect used as a 1 cent stamp, probably paying 5 cent certificate, used on piece of document
with writing on the reverse, very scarce 150.00 R16c F-VF 3.50 R16c VF-XF 10.00 R16c F-VF block of
10, couple sm. thins 175.00 R17c F-VF 110.00 R17c F-VF tied to J.D. Vickery/Bath, NY photograph 150.00 R17c on carte-de-visite, ex-Curtis 150.00 R17c VF 225.00 R18c VF 6.00 R18c VF 7.50 R18c VF+ (*) 15.00 R18c F-VF pre-print paper fold 20.00 R18c F Charles Osgood hstp 25.00 R18c F Charles Osgood Med Co. hstp 40.00 R18c VF * OG block of 4, very deep color 125.00 R18c F-VF * OG horizontal block of 12, highly uncommon,
unusual multiple, ex-Joyce 175.00 R18d F-VF experimental silk paper 325.00 R19c VF hstp cxl 8.00 R19c
F block of 4 65.00 R20c F-VF with nice hstp. cxl. 10.00 R20c F-VF with large paper fold 95.00 R20d F herringbone
cxl, exp silk paper 150.00 R21c F-VF appears to be unused 500.00 R21c VF attractive bluish-gray shade 695.00 R21c VF very fresh with light ms cancel 700.00 R22c VF-XF hstp cxl 20.00 R22c F perf faults, LCQ Wishart (Campion) 25.00 R22c grossly misperforated 40.00 R22c F with perfectly struck Ziegler & Smith hstp. 65.00 R22c with
perfectly struck Dr. Bennett straightline hstp. 75.00 R22c F P.T.Ives (matches)/Sept/1864 printed cancel 125.00 R22c VF * OG block of 4 125.00 R22c F Clock Druggist and Chemist, scarce advertising handstamp cancel
250.00 R22d F deep color for this, exp. silk paper 200.00 R23c F O.W.Roland Co clerk 10.00 R23c F-VF pre-print
paper fold 20.00 R23d F-VF silk 2.50 R23d XF hstp cxl 8.00 R24c F-VF Home Ins Co hstp 6.00 R24c VF fancy
wreath hstp cxl 8.00 R24c VF European style cancel 15.00 R24c F-VF circle of wedges postal cxl 20.00 R24c Tax
Paid H McGowin DC (district collector) hstp 30.00 R24c VF with large paper fold 125.00 R24d VF silk 2.50 R25c F-VF bold PAID hstp 15.00 R25c C.R. Story tax collector S.F. 20.00 R26c VF Baltimore MD Custom House cxl 7.50 R26c VF JGK SS (steamship?) cxl 10.00 R26c C.C.C.Clerk of Trustees 12.50 R26c VF pre-print paper fold 45.00 R26c VF block of 8 45.00 R26c pl 5I 100.00 R27c VF (*) 2.00 R27c VF Co. Treasurer neat hstp 7.50 R27c
VF dbl trans at bottom and sides 15.00 R27c VF European style cancels 15.00 R27c F-VF Wells Fargo oval hstp cxl 20.00 R27c perfectly struck M.B. hstp. 20.00 R27c F Minnesota Mine (MI) hstp cxl 50.00 R27d VF block of 8, exp. silk
paper 300.00 R28c F 19.00 R28c VF 35.00 R28c F-VF (*) 50.00 R28c VF 50.00 R28c XF 85.00 R28c
F block of 4 with right sheet margin selvage 100.00 R28c stamp has vibrant color, with L & C/1864 (Lawrence
& Cohen) playing card provisional 250.00 R28c F-VF * (with OG), double impression, two perfs added
at LR corner, 2020 PFC 600.00 R29c F-VF 22.50 R29c VF 45.00 R29c pre-print paper fold 65.00 R29c F block
of 4, fresh 100.00 R29c F-VF P.T.Ives (matches)/Oct/1866 printed cancel 225.00 R30c XF hstp cxl 10.00 R30c VF with red hstp cxl 20.00 R31c VF for issue and sound! With Chas Osgood hstp (the person who was responsible
for the issuance of this stamp very late in the first issue period). 1800.00 R32c VF vert pair 6.00 R32c VF block of 4 20.00 R32c Tax Paid H.M'Gowin D.C., Dec 27,1866 40.00 R33c F-VF plate scratch at UR 15.00 R33c VF block of 4 10.00 R33c (d?) F-VF dbl trans ar UR and top 15.00 R33c pl 10A 100.00 R34c VF-XF (*) block
of 4 20.00 R34d F-VF silk 3.00 R35c F with red hstp cxl 20.00 R35c VF 20.00 R35c XF hstp cxl 35.00 R35e F-VF 15.00 R35e VF ultramarine 17.50 R35e F horiz. pair 30.00 R35e ultra horiz pair, top stamp has
tear, bottom stamp is VF 40.00 R35e block of 8 and pair (re-attached at top) 250.00 R36c VF vert strip
of 4 4.00 R36c XF 5.00 R36d F-VF 150.00 R38c F-VF block of 4 12.50 R38c F 12.00 R38c VF horiz. pair 50.00 R38c with scarce 1864 Lawrence & Cohen printed cancel 200.00 R39c F+ 27.50 R39c XF with blue hstp 50.00 R40c VF-XF blue hstp 6.00
R41c VF 100.00 R41c VF hstp cxl 100.00
R42c VF hstp cxl 3.00 R42c VF European style cancel 12.00 R42c VF-XF strike of M.P.Works Mills hstp 25.00 R43c F-VF Boston Water Power Co hstp VF strike 15.00 R43c F Savage
Mining Co, San Fran, CA 17.50 R43c F Gould & Curry Silve Mining Co hstp cxl, XF
strike 35.00 R44c XF 2.00 R44c F Second National Bank 10.00 R44c
captured imprint at L, punch cxls 10.00 R44c F with blue oval Boston Naval Office hstp 10.00 R44c F-VF dbl circle Nat'l Bank of Commerce in NY hstp 10.00 R44c
F blue oval insurance agent hstp 10.00 R44c F pair, Phila Custom House hstp 10.00 R44c
F-VF block of 4 12.00 R44c VF block of 4 15.00 R44c XF strike of Mechanics Marine
Fire Ins Co hstp 15.00 R44c F-VF oval Bank of Commerce in NY hstp 15.00 R44c F-VF oval North Western Mutual Life Ins Co hstp 15.00 R44c F-VF straightline Niagara District/Suspension Bridge Customs cancel 15.00 R44c F-VF
with VF strike of oval Grand Trunk Rwy hstp cxl 15.00 R44c VF red hstp cancels 20.00 R44c
F Key West, FL customs cxl. 35.00 R44c F American Coal Co hstp cxl, XF strike 35.00 R45c
VF 3.00 R45c F neat oval hstp cxl 10.00 R45c North American Petroleum Co 25.00 R45c VF black double circle Commonwealth Oil Co hstp 27.50 R45c N.
American Petroleum Co hstp cxl 30.00 R45c F-VF horiz pair 50.00 R45c VF real freak
perfs 95.00 R46c XF-XF 2.00 R46c VF perfectly struck hstp. cxl. 10.00 R46c Boston Water Power Co 15.00 R46c F-VF Cincinnatti, Hamilton, & Dayton, etc RR hstp (Tolman C18H) 15.00 R46c Mobile & Ohio RR Co. 75.00 R46d
VF silk paper 6.00 R47c VF Penna RR Co hstp 15.00 R47c VF-XF 20.00 R47c F UM INs Co hstp (Union Mutual) 20.00 R47c F-VF strong pre-print paper fold 80.00 R48c F Boston Naval office hstp. 7.50 R48c F A.M. Ins Co hstp 10.00 R48c
Suspension Bridge (Niagara) customs cancel 10.00 R48c F Boston Mill hstp 10.00 R48c F oval Quicksilver Mining Co. hstp. 12.00 R48c Jno. P. Edwards Clk Spr Court 15.00 R48c F-VF Savage Mining Co hstp 15.00 R48c F Nat'l Bankers Express Co 20.00 R48c
F Imperial Silver Mining Co hstp cxl, lt. crease 30.00 R48c F Mariposa Mining Co hstp cxl, VF strike 35.00 R50c F 20.00 R50c F-VF (*) 35.00 R50c Atlas Oil Co 50.00 R50c Washington & Walnut Bend Oil Co 50.00 R50c VF 50.00 R50c VF
hstp cxl 55.00 R50c VF (*) 75.00 R50c F Mount Alpine Gold Co hstp cxl 75.00 R50c VF horiz pair 100.00 R51c F 40.00 R51c VF 90.00 R51c
VF hstp cancel 95.00 R52c VF 10.00 R52c VF blue hstp cxl 15.00 R52c
XF hstp cxl 17.50 R52c XF 20.00 R52c VF horiz. pair 40.00 R52c
F pl # single 50.00 R53c VF 13.00 R53c VF-XF blue hstp cxl 17.50 R53c
XF 20.00 R54c grossly misperforated 40.00 R54c VF pre-print paper fold 45.00 R54e F-VF Christmas Day cancel, ultra 20.00 R55c cracked plate diagonally through "N" of Entry" 25.00 R55d VF horiz strip of 3 275.00 R56c VF 10.00 R56c F European style cancel 25.00 R57c F-VF 8.00 R58c pre-print paper fold 50.00 R58c
VF horiz pair 10.00 R59c imprint in bottom selvage 25.00 R59c grossly misperforated 30.00 R59c imprint in bottom
selvage 40.00 R59c variety, two stamps from same sheet make complet diagonal scratch, VF 40.00 R60c XF gem 5.00 R60c F horiz strip of 3, middle stamp with long pre-print paper fold 100.00 R60d VF faint herringbone cxl, exp silk
paper 7.00 R62c VF fresh 22.50 R62c VF-XF 30.00 R62c F-VF (*) 35.00 R63c F pre-print paper fold 40.00 R64c F-VF 6.00 R64c XF hstp cxl 20.00 R64c F-VF with blue oval Scranton hstp. 25.00 R64c F-VF American Wood
Paper Co hstp XF strikes 35.00 R64d F+ experimental silk paper 95.00 R65c F-VF hstp. cxl. 8.00 R65c VF
12.00 R65c XF blue hstp 27.50 R65d F-VF experimental silk paper 90.00 R66c F-VF 20.00 R66c F-VF with
Montreal & Champlain RR hstp 25.00 R66c F horiz pair, lt crease at top 55.00 R66c F-VF (*) 37.50 R66c
F-VF right frameline doubled 60.00 R66c VF horiz strip of 3 125.00 R66c VF block of four, faint crease on bottom pair 195.00 R67c VF 5.00 R67c F-VF plate variety (gash on head) 20.00 R67c grossly misperforated 40.00 R67d F+ experimental silk paper 225.00 R68c F dbl transfer in lower label 7.50 R68c F blue Boston Naval Office
hstp. 10.00 R68c F left frameline doubled 20.00 R68c grossly misperforated 40.00 R68c F with straightline "JAPAN"
handstamp (Pacific Mail Steamship cxl) 45.00 R68c F with VF strike of Great Republic, a Pacific Mail steamship
cancel 95.00 R69c XF (*) 5.00 R69c John W Leather Co 8.00 R69c F-VF dbl trans top shield 20.00 R69c O.
S. & Co straightline hstp cxl 25.00 R69c F with XF strike of Charter Oak Life Ins Co circular hstp (life ins
cancels are scarce) 35.00 R69c grossly misperforated 40.00 R69c Pacific Mail Steamship Co hstp cxl 95.00 R69d
F experimental silk paper 3.00 R69d F-VF experimental silk paper 5.00 R69d VF experimantal silk paper 6.00 R69d
J.W.S. Judge of Probate ms cancel 20.00 R70c VF 5.00 R70c XF 12.50 R70c F-VF (Tolmand D 3-B) Detroit &
Milwaukee RR 15.00 R71c VF blue hstp, pinhole 7.00 R71c VF 15.00 R71c VF horiz pair, light thin 25.00 R72c F-VF 30.00 R72c F insurance agent for NY & NJ straightline-in-oval hstp cxl 35.00 F72c VF 40.00 R72c grossly misperforated 40.00 R72c XF 80.00 R73c F-VF nice for issue 150.00 R74c F 175.00 R74c VF
for this issue with interesting ms of close to ten different signers 325.00 R75c VF 10.00 R76c AVG-F 13.00 R76c F fresh 25.00 R76c F-VF 55.00 R76c grossly misperforated 75.00 R77c VF blue hstp. cxl. 95.00 R77c
XF blue hstp. cxl. 125.00 R77c F-VF (*) scarce unused 125.00 R78c XF 10.00 R78c F dbl transfer 12.00 R79c VF+ with head free hstp cxl, pinhole 150.00 R79c F+ light hstp cxl 155.00 R79c VF 175.00 R80c VF thin,
imprint at left ,scarce position piece 75.00 R80c F-VF 125.00 R80c F-VF blue hstp cxl 150.00 R80c VF
blue hstp. 225.00 R81c grossly misperforated 30.00 R81c VF pre-print paper folds 55.00 R81d F-VF experimental
silk paper 30.00 R81d VF experimental silk paper 40.00 R81d F.J. Rollins, Coll 50.00 R82c VF-XF 15.00 R82c
General Transatlantic Steamship Co hstp 35.00 R82d F elusive experimental silk paper 75.00 R83c F-VF 75.00 R83c
VF 100.00 R84c VF 20.00 R84c F Sprague Mfg Co 25.00 R84c VF-XF 40.00 R84c XF hstp cxl 40.00 R84c
F Merchants Steamship Co, RI hstp cxl 50.00 R84c VF pre-print paper fold 65.00 R85c VF 15.00 R85c F-VF circular
General Transatlantic Co. hstp. 22.50 R86c F 15.00 R86c VF 55.00 R86c VF unused, short perf 65.00 R86c captured imprint at left 75.00 R86c VF-XF 90.00 R86c F-VF (*) 95.00 R86c VF horiz. pair 135.00 R87c
F-VF blue hstp., lt. crease 60.00 R87c VF-XF 95.00 R88c F-VF 10.00 R88c XF big margins 30.00 R88c VF horiz
pair 60.00 R88c VF large pre-print paper fold, scarce on the high value stamps 100.00 R89c VF fresh 15.00 R89c Bates Manuf Co 25.00 R89c F fresh Warehouse & Security Co hstp 35.00 R89c VF horiz pair 37.50 R89c
XF horiz. pair, early printing 60.00 R89d F horiz. pair, exp. silk paper 275.00 R90c F-VF 90.00 R90c VF 125.00 R90c almost VF horiz strip of three 325.00 R92c VF horiz. pair 150.00 R93c F-VF 25.00 R93c VF 40.00 R93c
VF horiz.pair 100.00 R93c F-VF horiz. strip of 3 150.00 R94c F-VF 65.00 R94c VF-XF horiz. pair, fresh 250.00 R95c VF very fresh 40.00 R95c VF neat hstp 60.00 R95c VF * full OG horiz. pair, left stamp has no evidence
of a cancel, 2003 PFC notes a bit of pen cancel (on one perf) on right stamp" 200.00 R96c F-VF 30.00 R96c VF 50.00 R96c VF-XF horiz. pair 150.00 R97c VF neat ms cxl., fresh 200.00 R97c VF 300.00 R97c VF
black hstp (scarce on this issue) 325.00 R97c VF head-free cancel, fresh 375.00 R97c F-VF horiz pair, left stamp
with vertical crease, right stamp is VF 375.00 R97c Superb gem quality. If there is a better copy of this stamp I would pay to see it! 695.00 R97e F-VF deep bright ultra shade 225.00 R97f F-VF with two short
perfs at UL 375.00 R98c F fresh 60.00 R98c VF deep shade 125.00 R98c VF-XF deep orange shade 150.00 R98d
F silk paper 95.00 R98d VF experimental silk paper 200.00 R99c F-VF appearing, crease and small margin tears
(cat $3000) 875.00 R99c VF + with brilliant color, trivial perf flaws at left, 2018 PSAG cert 2200.00 R99c
VF and about as nice as this issue comes! Vibrant color, 2022 PFC 2700.00 R100c XF faint crease at bottom 150.00 R100c VF very fresh 200.00 R100c XF gem 300.00 R100c VF horiz pair with deep, fresh color 550.00 R100d XF
fresh gem, hard ot imagine a better centered example exists 500.00
R101c F deep color 70.00 R101c F-VF thick paper, faint crease 100.00 R101c VF 175.00 R101c
VF-XF gem 250.00 R101c VF horiz pair, neat MS cancel 400.00 R101c F block of 4, perf separations 700.00 R102c
F-VF light ms cancel, faint corner crease at lower right not visible on face 550.00 R102c VF with blue double oval
Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, & Indianapolis RR hstp (Tolman C22), one short perf at LL corner 600.00 R102c F-VF fresh, light ms cancel 700.00 R102c VF pulled perf at upper right corner and couple short perfs at
left, deep fresh colors 700.00 R102c VF fresh with unobtrusive ms cancel 900.00
all cancels are blue unless otherwise noted) GREAT REPUBLIC R68c F-VF strike reading up 75.00 R68c F-VF strike reading down 100.00 HENRY CHAUNCEY R81c two VF strikes
reading up 175.00 R123 VF magenta Henry Chauncey cxl 250.00 R145 F 5 partial strikes of HENRY CHAUNCEY reading
down 125.00 RISING STAR R145 VF with 4 strikes reading up 195.00