While we are best known
for having one of the largest stocks of US Revenue stamps in the country, we have had a brick and mortar store for 47 years
and handle a lot of other material. These days, we mostly wholesale non-revenue material-- as well as some revenue material
--and we are adding some non-revenue US lots and collections to this website. Online dealers have been buying this material
from us for years and they keep coming back so....they must be making money! UNITED
STATES DEFINITIVE ISSUES 1890-1950 COLLECTION meticulously mounted in black mounts on White Ace album pages, this collection
has over 325 different stamps, and most of the coils are in pairs but counted in the total above as one item. Nearly every
stamp we checked is NH and most are VF or very close to that. Highlights include #'s 300,306,337,340,343-47,378,426,428,498-518,
many W-F coil pairs, 547,551-73,581-91,658-79,692-701,E7,E11-13 and many more. This is a very clean collection that could
easily be broken down for resale or would make a wonderful basis for expansion. The total 2024 Scott retail, without
any premiums for stamps that would grade above 80 is over $9500.
NET $3750 US AIRMAILS (and a few SPECIAL DELIVERY) mounted on album pages. Includes issues between
C7 and C31 for the most part in singles,block and plate blocks. Most of the stamps are NH, especially those in mounts. And,
most of the other items, such as larger blocks of twenty are hinged on only a couple of stamps. Includes two NH blocks of
C18, plate blocks
of C7-9 (four of the latter, C10, C19,C20-21, etc. Many VF or better stamps with an occasional small flaw on a few. Overall,
very clean and fresh material. Current Scott catalog
value exceeds $4840 NET $1395
USED US OFFICIALS COLLECTION OF 55 different stamps neatly in mounts on Scott pages. A
few are unused without gum and cataloged as such. Most stamps are F with some better. Current Scott catalog is $2780. A very solid starter collection of these 19th century
issues for $795
LOT OF 1930's SOUVENIR SHEETS #730 (5) 731 (4) 778, 797 (12each) Should
easily be worth $89
US STOCK ON SMALL MANILLA STOCK CARDS from #73 through Famous Americans. Mixed mint and used with quantities
ranging from one of a kind to perhaps 20 of an item, especially from the late 1920's onward. Catalog value is estimated to be between $5000 and $6000 NET $1095 CANADA and NEWFOUNDLAND POST OFFICE SEALS. Single page with Canada OX1,3,4
and Newfoundland OX1. The first one used and the other three are mint, LH. A scarce foursome of beautifully engraved PO seals.
$695 TOBACCO STRIPS mounted collection of 83 strips from Series 123-125 from the NMP sale in 2006. Many of the
stamps in this group exist only from that sale and were unknown in collections prior to that event. Also includes an unmounted
group of 22 other stamps mostly from Series110-16 but also an XF mint TG76A. Looking for a new area to explore? The TG's are
attractive and affordable. This is a good start for $250.
neatly mounted collection on heavy white card stock. Over 175 all different Springer TF stamps between Series 1913 and series
125. Generally above average condition. All of he stamps are used so there are no NPM mint remainders present, The total 1986
Springer value is $360+. This is priced to move quickly at $1175 PRIVATE DIE PROPRIETARY PROOFS (mostly), ESSAYS, and FACSIMILES. Group of 37
pieces including 3 horizontal pairs counted as single pieces. Better proof items are RO68P1, RO142PC1 (black), RS209P1, RO101TC1
and RO102TC1 (both black), each off card, and RO85TC1 (green). RO130TC1 (black), RS91P1, RS97P1, RS106P1, RT12TC1 (black),
and RU7TC1 (blue), each trimmed to stamp size. The balance of the proofs are P3 and P4's. The best of the 5 essays is a die
essay for E.J. Gounod (perfume) and the best of the 5 facsimiles is one for Fred'k Brown (RS37-8). The total Scott catalog
value for the listed items is $5050 and a conservative estimate for the essays and facsimiles is $775. NET PRICE $2450 REVENUE STAMPED PAPER LOT. Approximately 90,
all different checks. Includes Types B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and X. Best item is RN-G3 (catalogs $100). Also includes several
with illustrations. A good way to start a new area of fiscal philately. $395 TRADE CARDS LOT of 60+ each one from a medicine or perfume company
that issued a private die stamp. Some duplication of companies but every design is different. Condition is outstanding for
these. $225 NARCOTICS
TAX STAMPS mounted collection on Scott pages. 24 different stamps between RJA42a/RJA85b, all of them used. Highlight are
RJA48a (VF big margins, small thin), RJA61a,65a,68a, and 70a. Attractive & clean with several hard to find stamps. Catalog
value is $1560 NET $795 MODERN
OFFICIAL STAMPS. Unsorted and uninspected box of several hundred official covers between Scott numbers O127 and O151 (as
far as I can tell) used on covers and large(r) envelopes from correspondence between the Defense Logistics Agency and a contractor
firm in Ohio. Usage seems to be from the late 1980's to the mid 1990's. I don't see a lot of these stamps used on cover
so they should be worth our asking price (even as used off cover stamps. they are probably worth the price). Also includes
an envelope of officials used on piece that were not counted. $225 SNUFF STAMP COLLECTION of several hundred mostly different stamps (very light
duplication in a few cases) all which are (correctly it appears) identified. Earlier issues include TE1,12,29,29,33,41,42,49,50,55-8,60,66
and much,much more through series 125. Nearly 100% used so not from the NPM sale. Any mint series 123-125 were not counted
at all by us, in addition to some other taxpaid material and some snuff product labels (one with a stamp attached). Condition
is mixed but typical for these stamps with many nice looking items. A great lot for someone either looking to start collecting
snuff taxpaids or someone who has the time to break this lot down and sell online. A prior owner priced much of this material
at 8-10 times Springer. Springer 10th ed (ahem, about 40 years old) total just under $1200. Very reasonable at $3195